A sum greater than its parts, a brotherhood in sharing the musical conversation. All the while grasping the futility, getting the joke. Ten years ago four people met, ten songs were recorded, written 10 years prior. So incredible that songs of angst, frustration, anger and loss brought about the greatest friendships of my life.

Rock, Hard, Blues, Southern, Jam Rock


Michael Nault Piano/Vocals

Steve Gilliam Guitar Vocals

Aldo Ynigo Drums

Mike Glover Bass


How did I get here? It’s the narrator’s first appearance. Letting months pile into years flowing through decades in anticipation of change. Incredulous at each mile marker. How did I get here, working 9 to 5?

Why do I wake up barely half alive?

It can’t be over, Im barely 35

soon everything is over

each and everybody dies

One pack too late

I was feeling great

still one pack too late

How did I get here, living such a lie?

How’d I let 10 years more go by?

It can’t be over, Shit! Was that my second wife?

Soon everything is over

There won’t be a 45 


Last Call for Jihad

25 minute journey, just F ing around, calling and responding musically. Several themes, flaws galore, but like rough hewn leather, wholly satisfying. So many different influences converging on a whole. The Musical conversation, the one who keeps it moving forward, the one who won’t stop talking, the quiet one who suddenly speaks something extraordinary into existance. In short this experience is precisely why I love playing music